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August 25th, Creating Miracles With Autism and Son-Rise, Santa Cruz, CA

In Santa Cruz CA, posted on August 18, 2011 at 4:09 pm

I was fortunate to become acquainted with Ocean Robbins many years ago as a high school student attending a Youth for Environmental Sanity (YES!) camp in Oregon. Since then I have occasionally been involved with YES! and attended many of his talks.

Ocean’s journey and that of his family is at the center of “the awakening consciousness that wants to be born into this world” (to borrow a phrase from Eckhart Tolle). This is made very clear by the beautiful article published in the Santa Cruz Good Times publication. You can view it here:

A quote from this article:

“I had this thought to myself: if I had known 10 years ago that here I would be, cleaning fecal material off of the window, while my kid was making these babbly, autistic sounds in the tub, how would I have felt? And I thought, wow, I would’ve felt so depressed inside and horrified. But if I had known that I would be cleaning this off the window, with him making those noises, and I would feel at peace, joyous and full of gratitude for life—how would that have felt? It would’ve felt totally incredible.”

If this topic is of interest to you and you’re within a reasonable distance of Santa Cruz, you can attend the August 25th introductory event. Read about it on Ocean’s website,

With love,
